Designing frontsides of websitie or e-shop comes with amount of details for each page type from homepage, through categories, list of pages or products, to post or product detail.
For e-shop pages you need also additional segments as shopping cart view, checkout pages (1 or 5), sometimes email notifications or other pages according to modules installed or buyed for custom functioning.
When designs are ready and you are satisfied with look it is time to another step: transforming designs to digital elements understandable to computers. Each one detail from each one page design is developed and assigned to appearing, functions, conditions what if something works or want not work.
Developers have to suppose beforehand any thinkable and impossible options of using any object on page to make ir properly work, prepare for extreme situations or fix it.
Developers and programmers are ready to solve any demand when it comes to your wishes, visions, needs and custom requests. Even what we can not do now, it is not blind end, it is just an obstacle for us, but not unsovable.
Website, CMS, Blog, E-shop, as each machine need to be in perfect condition to serve smoothly without isues. That is our aim for you. We know those systems from deep to outside. And we learn further.